Archive for April 6th, 2015

Benny Ray Filbert from Stinky Ridge Missouri writes in today Dear Sir Hugh….the recent post wherein you so courageously exposed the vacuum “cleaner” myth was an act of heroism Hughy…! It brought me and my wife so much closer…..when she finally realized that what I have been saying about vachughms all these years is true. She kissed me and said “baby you were so right…so very very right”…..It was a beautiful moment as my veracity was veracittized and I realized how truly right I was. You made my day Hughy. Thanks for taking a stand for us guys out hear. My question for you is this…What else am I right about?

From Hugh


Well Bennie Boy….ole Buddy…ole pal……So glad to hep owt on the intramaritalistic relationalisms between you and your spousal individual.


Before I address what else you are write about let me give you some good, solid, sensible, true, usable, experience-gained, advice about this …..”being right thing”.


Act as if it’s nothing………………………And that you hardly noticed. It’s that simple. Definitely avoid making a biggdeel bout it at all. It was difficult Im sure for Mildrinia to face the facts. She will knead time to process the realitees of it all.

So often , ladies think that they no mower about vacuum cleaners than men do know about vacuum cleaners when the subject of vacuum cleaners is being discussed at one time or another in this situation or that. But men invented vacuum cleaners, and thusly, are the experts. It is what it is.


Now……………….Another thing you are right about is buying that 134 pound pot-bellied pig for your wifes birthday………..She is gonna love that rascal.