Archive for September, 2015

Hilda Mae Warblelip ,……who frankly, doesn’t know where she’s from….or have a clue what she’s doing….writes in today…excited about my mention of the Hugh’s Answering Service Hotline……She writes Simply…….Dear Hughy, WHAT IS THE NUMBER?.


From Munerical Hughbert….




What do you mean WHAT IS THE NUMBER?


There are numbers for

all kinds of things and

………….they vary widely.


You must be Spacific……..

Kinda like they were when they named the

Specific Ocean…..

And I may have already mentioned this…..


What’s the big deal about the dude

that discovered the Pacific Ocean…?


The thing is enormous……THOUSANDS OF MILES across….

It’s huge!!!!

How hard can it be to find??????????????????


It’s not like he was looking for a TV REMOTE.

Pig debate

Discussions with a large swine

What a Boar.